4ī¸âŖAdd Records
After deleting all the records, your DSC Management Base is ready to add DSC's of your clients of your Firm.
Add Bulk Data
If you have kept the database of Digital Signatures of your clients and stored it in Excel sheet or Google Sheet, you can structure your existing file similar to the fields available in Copy Bulk Data
view available in Digital Signatures
You can simply Copy Paste the database directly in Airtable.
Similarly, you can add bulk data in Client
Add Individual record
You can add individual DSC record in two ways.
1. By Adding to Table
You can add a row by clicking + sign given in bottom of the table.
2. By using Form
Forms are already created and configured to add new Digital Signature records. It works similar to the Google Form (which also works outside of Airtable, even if you are logged in to Airtable)
Click on Add New DSC view given on left side of the Screen and Click on Open form highlighted in given screenshot.
Last updated